Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Paint", Painted in a Trance?

I don't remember painting "Paint", 7 by 5 feet, but it is one of my recent favorites. I had been unable to paint for nearly four months, and I was so excited to get back to work that I just flew into it, and painted far too many hours a day, completing it in four days. I barely noticed the pain in my hands and arms, and not long after completion I realized that I could not recall actually making decisions, nor the act of painting. This has hardly ever happened in 40 years of painting, and never on a large piece like this.

There are layers and layers of background colors, each obscuring more and more of the one beneath, but very thin paint on the horse. I had an ecstatic call from the collector after he got it up on his wall, so the level of excitement stuck with the painting. I think this is a great example of the notion that a really good painting takes over and is a dialog, not solely what the artist intends.

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